What is a CDN (Content Delivery Network)?
CDN is a network of numerous servers located in different countries, regions or continents. These edge servers cache static content of website including images, JavaScript, and CSS. When an end-user visits a website, he or she will have the content delivered to web-browser through the nearest server, which boosts loading time.Why deploying a CDN?
As you can see, when that data is delivered from a distance, it will surely take more time to load. But, when the same thing is done through a server that is close to them, the site will be loaded very fast. Besides, CDN has many advantages for SEO and helps to prevent security issues. Now when you know that CDN is a must for your WordPress blog, you need to find the one that will suit your project. If your startup needs money for development, you can save on CDN – there are many free services around. Read about seven worthy variants that can help your business. 1. CloudFlare CloudFlare has data centers around the world, and all servers are absolutely free to use. It’s failry easy to implement such a network:- create a free account;
- add your blog URL;
- CloudFlare will provide you with custom nameservers;
- specify your domains to the nameservers.